Research Projects for Dental Hygiene Students: Exploring the Possibilities

Dental hygiene is an important field of study, and research is an integral part of the educational mission of the School of Dental Hygiene. The Dental Hygiene Research Center (DHRC) at Old Dominion University is the first center in the world dedicated exclusively to research on dental hygiene. This research center provides a designated clinical and laboratory space that focuses on developing safe and effective measures to prevent and treat common oral conditions, expanding knowledge on occupational risk assessment and ergonomic issues related to the practice of dental hygiene, exploring the relationship between oral and systemic health, and more. The Editorial Review Board (ERB) of the JDH is made up of nationally and internationally recognized content experts in the dental hygiene profession, as well as experts in dentistry, physical therapy, nursing and public health.

This board is responsible for assessing the various research projects available for dental hygiene students. One such project is a general research grant from the Oral Health Institute of the American Association of Dental Hygienists. This grant aims to identify the advantages and ergonomic risks of both sitting and standing positions in providing dental hygiene services. The goal is to reduce the burden posed by musculoskeletal disorders for dental hygienists.

Another research project focuses on assessing whether simulated virtual training (SVT) improves students' knowledge, attitudes and confidence about dental hygiene when caring for children with ASD. This project seeks to analyze the perception of the knowledge and skill level of final year students of dental hygiene and dental care on the topic of identifying victims of disasters and their use during mass deaths. Finally, it is justified to create experiential learning or simulated training opportunities for dental hygiene students to ensure competence and confidence in providing care to patients with ASD after completing the program. In conclusion, there are many research projects available for dental hygiene students that explore a variety of topics related to oral health.

These projects are essential for advancing knowledge in this field and providing students with valuable experience.

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